


ART_Cómo medir la madurez digital de una empresa

Cómo medir la madurez digital de una empresa

Para muchas compañías, pero en especial para muchos consumidores, que una empresa pueda anticiparse a sus necesidades y ofrecerle soluciones digitales para resolverlas es un gran diferencial.

Asset Publisher


EDR vs antivirus ¿Cuál es la mejor defensa para tu empresa?

¿EDR o antivirus? En la actualidad este se ha vuelto un tema de especial relevancia en las empresas, debido a que los crímenes cibernéticos son cada vez más comunes, y si se concretan, podrían comprometer datos e información delicada, lo que arriesga la continuidad operacional de la organización, al igual que su imagen frente a clientes, socios y proveedores.


Gtd Peru is recognized at Huawei’s Partner Summit

We are very happy to announce that we received the “Datacenter Facility Partner 2021” award at the annual “Huawei Partner Summit”.


Our ecosystem of connectivity solutions

One of the great challenges of the acceleration of digitization in the world in the last year is the increasing need to manage, store and access large volumes of information and data from and to anywhere. Gtd has strengthened its position in this field for decades, through permanent investment and development of its own capabilities at the service of its clients.


Our ecosystem of connectivity solutions

One of the great challenges of the acceleration of digitization in the world in the last year is the increasing need to manage, store and access large volumes of information and data from and to anywhere. Gtd has strengthened its position in this field for decades, through permanent investment and development of its own capabilities at the service of its clients.
